Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Hair Raising! The Many Strands of Hair Fetishes

hair fetish

Trichophilia can present as a long or short hair fetish, hair-pull fetish, or haircut fetish, among others. I have yet to track down the study (or studies) demonstrating this, but based on other pleasurable activities that have been shown to produce endorphins, there is no reason not to think this isn’t the case with hair grooming. In a previous blog on fetishism, I wrote at length about a study led by Dr G. Scorolli (University of Bologna, Italy) on the relative prevalence of different fetishes using online fetish forum data. It was estimated (very conservatively in the authors’ opinion), that their sample size comprised at least 5000 fetishists (but was likely to be a lot more). Their results showed that body part fetishes were most common (33%) with trichophilic fetish sites accounting for 7% of all sites studied (6,707 fetishists in total). A further 864 fetishists comprised other types of body hair including depilation sites, beards, and pubic hair.

No Spamming / Low-Quality Posts

These include the generic "What would you do to my hair?" and "What do you think of my hair?" type of posts, which don't provide any unique engagement and are typically non-OC posts. When creating non-OC posts, provide credit whenever possible and make sure it is obvious to others that you are not the content creator.

A beginner’s guide to trichophilia

It's always wise to be upfront and honest about your fetishes so everyone involved understands. Also, you can't expect someone to keep their hair forever long to satisfy your fetish, for example. However, open communication will help navigate these issues, and you can make compromises like satisfying your fetish with someone else or the use of false hair etc. If your fetish is negatively affecting you or your relationships, you should talk to a medical professional.

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The source of sexual arousal may be derived from viewing, touching, or (in extreme cases) eating hair. Some authors – such as Dr. Brenda Love in her Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices – use the word ‘hirsutophilia’ to refer to fetish for armpit hair only. Dr. Love also claims that some hair fetishes are more favoured by particular genders (e.g., she claims chest hair is more likely to be preferred by females). A fetishist may enjoy seeing or touching hair, pulling on or cutting the hair of another person.[3] Besides enjoyment they may become sexually aroused from such activities. It may also be described as an obsession, as in the case of hair washing or dread of losing hair.

hair fetish

“When the patient (a highly placed civil servant now aged 50) was seven years old, it happened one night that when he was already in bed the maid-servant, who was leaving, came up to him and embraced him. The patient still remembers quite clearly how he pushed his fingers through her hair. At the age of puberty he begun to experience sexual excitement whenever he saw or touched nicely dressed hair. He stands behind the other man, applies hair oil, which, together with combs, he always carries with him, then he combs the hair back. As the comb reaches the top of the head, ejaculation takes place…the patient, whose behavior has frequently attracted attention, is known by the nickname ‘The Hairdresser’”. As long as no one gets hurt, physically or emotionally, and it’s practiced between consenting adults, experts say it can be an enjoyable part of your sexual life.

Whether you consider yourself Dr Sex or a tad vanilla, everyone has their sexual kinks and quirks. You only have to scroll the categories on any pornography website to understand the wide breadth of what these could be, from foodplay to feet and robots to rope – there’s something for everyone. But trichophilia, or hair fetishism – specifically head hair – is a sexual fantasy that predates contemporary porn. In humans, hair can be scalp hair, facial hair, chest hair, pubic hair, axillary hair, besides other places. Hair does not in itself have any intrinsic sexual value other than the attributes given to it by individuals in a cultural context.

hair fetish

Ritualistic hair-fetish killer serving life in British prison is convicted in Italy of 1993 teen murder - Daily Mail

Ritualistic hair-fetish killer serving life in British prison is convicted in Italy of 1993 teen murder.

Posted: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Then, there's transvestite hair salons or spas where the full treatment involves a haircut, hair massage, shampoo, and rollers. The shampoo and rollers ritual is also shared by straight enthusiasts. Long, upright hair (beehive, flip, etc.) is perhaps the most common fetish, followed by long, straight hair, followed by curly hair, followed by short, stubbly hair. Enthusiasts like to put the hair in their mouth during sex, but many achieve orgasm just by touching the hair or by masturbating (sometimes on the hair itself, but not always)”. However, the most common focus for this attraction seems to be human head hair.

But in general, having a hair fetish really just means that you get erotic pleasure from the object — in this case, human hair. To Miranda Christophers, a sex and relationship psychotherapist from London, these kind of fetishes are quite common, explaining that between 25 per cent and 50 per cent of people openly admit to possessing one. On the other end of the spectrum is 43-year-old Phil from New York City. He’s into short, shaved hair, as opposed to the long, flowing kind.

The fetish has been observed in both males and females (although as with most fetishes and paraphilia, it appears to be predominantly male). They may also prefer hair to have been washed with a particular shampoo or hairspray suggesting an overlap with olfactophilia (i.e., the deriving of sexual pleasure and arousal from particular smells). The way to navigate any issues with your hair fetish is good communication with your partner/s.

Body hair fetishes are popular amongst kinksters, and it's easy to see why with it being something humans actively grow, cut, and style - plus smoothness and hairiness are both sensual. Hair pulling is a kink many people indulge in, and hair removal can be an incredibly erotic experience, especially when shared with another person. If you're looking for ways to use hair pulling in a kinky context, check out the free course A Quick Guide to Hair Pulling, hosted by The BDSM Training School.

Arousal by head hair may arise from seeing or touching very long or short hair, wet hair, a certain color of hair or a particular hairstyle. Others may find the attraction of literally "having sex with somebody's hair" as a fantasy or fetish.[4] The fetish affects both men and women. Back in November 2011, I read a Daily Mail headline 'Ritualistic hair-fetish killer serving life in British prison is convicted in Italy of 1993 teen murder'. The story concerned Danilo Restivo – a man with a fetish for cutting off women’s hair – who was sentenced to 30 years in prison following his killing of 16-year old Elisa Claps in 1993 (in Potenza, Italy).

He was also convicted of killing 48-year old Heather Barnett in 2002 (in Bournemouth, UK). The murders were described as ritualistic and both killings involved the victims’ breasts being cut off and strands of their hair being placed in her hands. Another link between the two cases, were that 15 women had reported their hair being involuntarily cut on buses in both Bournemouth and Potenza around the time of the murders. Clearly, Restivo is not a typical trichophile (i.e., hair fetishist), and is not representative of those who enjoy this paraphilia. However, it is one of the few times that hair fetishism has been highlighted by the mass media.

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